This week is much more historical…

Traveler IQ
Goodies #1: Traveler IQ Challenge – Test your knowledge of geography as it is today not 100 years ago (there’s the history tie-in). I’m not so good. I can’t get past the 6 level…

New York Divided
Goodies #2: New York Divided – This one is all about history. It’s even from the History Channel. It’s an amazingly beautiful animation about New York’s ties with slavery. Very well done.

Goodies #3: Randomwocky – You’ve all heard the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, and know of the many made up words. I thought it would be fun to re-create the poem using randomly generated consonant-vowel-consonant groupings. It makes the poem even more nonsensical in places, but some of the ‘new’ words are funny!

Omeka goes live

Omeka, another fine product produced by CHNM, has released the public beta. This is a great tool for museums and other places (or individuals) who want to create online exhibits.

In other news, there is now a growing movement to archive old skills that are no longer used. Mr. Scoble started a list of obsolete skills on his blog and later made a wiki about it. Now everybody can contribute their obsolete skills. Not only is this a humorous way to look at the evolving world of technology, but it provides a useful archive for anyone who might run across the need to use one of these obsolete skills.