Comments on: Atop – Apache Top, for keeping tabs on the web servers mossiso = more better Sat, 07 Jan 2017 02:15:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brent Sat, 07 Jan 2017 02:15:07 +0000 I really want this to work because it loks like you put a lot of time into it and it could save me a lot of time. However, I am not getting the results I should. I have server stats working with extended on. I have links installed and netstat is working. I run ./atop and all I get is headings listed at the top “Seconds PID CPU State TYPE IP Domain/URL” with the State Column Key below. There are no results shown but I have a ton of traffic right now that I am watching come through the apache logs.

Maybe it has something to do with Apache listening on on port 8282 and Varnish caching server on port 80? I edited atop by searching and replacing localhost with “”. My stats are at and are working from any IP.

Ubuntu 16.04
Apache 2.4.18
Php 7.0
Varnish 4.1.1
