life – Ammon Shepherd mossiso = more better Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:04:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 life – Ammon Shepherd 32 32 140707563 Darkness Dispelled is a Call to Action Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:04:43 +0000 Continue reading Darkness Dispelled is a Call to Action]]> I read the First Presidency message, May We So Live,  for this month in preparation for Home Teaching tonight. President Monson talks about death, resurrection, and the fragility of life. All of these things are reminders and should the impetus that moves us to doing good.

First we realize that death is a reality (the one thing everybody, regardless of anything, is assured to pass through). Death happens, it can be tragic, sudden and unexpected. Because it is such, it is often dreaded. Because those who are dead are out of communication with the living, it could be terrifying. Not knowing what will come next, or if anything does.

Second we realize and have hope and faith that the resurrection is a reality. Jesus, the first and only one with power, overcame death. That means he had the knowledge and spiritual and physical power to undo the affects of death. Physical death is a separation of body and spirit. The body we know well, the physical matter from which it is made, the physical properties it contains. The spirit is less known, scientifically unquantifiable. It is the dark matter of our selves. Yet the spirit is real, and connected with our bodies. It is the substance of us. It gives us our character, our wills, it is where our knowledge is stored. Death is the separation of spirit and body. With out the spirit to animate it, the body is useless, a lump of clay. Jesus had the knowledge and power to decide when this separation would happen, and to put them back together. He was the first of the resurrection. We will all be resurrected. This means our spirits and bodies will reunite, but this time they will never again separate. Our bodies will be of finer and greater make this next time. They will never tire, get sick, endure pain, age, and never be separated from our spirit again. I digress….

With that knowledge of the surety of death, the temporariness of life, we should endeavor to fill our life with good works. To do good things for others, to fill our hearts and minds with service. As President Monson says: “Our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable. There are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved.”

So, what can I do today to help someone else? How can I be of service?
