Nazi board games

Another rare double-day post.

I heard this on a PRI show “The World”. From the site: “The World’s Clark Boyd tells us about an auction taking place tomorrow in Britain. Some of the items up for bid are children’s board games made in Nazi Germany.”

The seller has to sell them in Britain because Nazi memorabilia is illegal in Germany.

Here’s a link to the show, complete with mp3 for your listening pleasure.

A different history of computers and Linux

Wow, two posts in a day…

I just skimmed through this interview with Con Kolivas a major Linux kernel developer who has quite the Linux development world in frustration. What caught my attention was his ‘history’ of computers. His recollection of the computers history is truly different than I had ever learned or thought of. Basically, he paints the picture that computers could have been extremely different if the hardware had ruled instead of software. While computers were in their nascent state, the hardware being developed was ever changing. New and different ideas were used in each computer company. Then a software operating system came out that changed all that. By becoming the default OS, there was no more need to create better, different, new hardware. Instead all of the hardware was built and developed to suit the software.

It makes one think, what would computers be like if hardware ruled? What would they look like, how would they perform, how would they work, if they were not limited to one operating system?

Timeplot and Exhibit

The folks over at MIT’s SIMILE have two new projects that are just mindbogglingly awesome. I used the Timeline Project for my research project a few semesters ago about World War II.

Now they have a new time line type tool called Timeplot. This project uses a plot graph to display numerical data along with historical events. Sort of a mix between numbers and dates. Analytic history, if you will. I love the simplicity of the look, the ease of use, and the way it merges cold, dead data with live historical events. I have always wondered what historical events were happening at the time when I see graphs of data. This is an awesome tool to allow that to happen.

The other project, Exhibit, is a digital historians dream. Do you have lots of spreadsheets of info, perhaps all your dissertation data stored in the old JSON file? Wondering how to show that on the web without creating an extensive database solution? Exhibit takes care of it for you. And it’s dynamic! Sort and search the data automatically included. Crazy goodness! Now I just have to think of where to use this too….

The history of a software application

While doing some work today I stumbled upon a bit of history. The author calls it a story, but that’s what history is, right?

Anyhow, it’s a very entertaining and enthralling look at the birth and death (or retirement) of a software program. It provides a lot of insight into the process of making an application, building a software company, and some intriguing behind the scenes information about the coming forth of major Apple products like iTunes, iPhoto and the iPod.

Read “The True Story of Audion” the application that could have been iTunes. Link:

The MA is done, but the map is not….

I just turned in my last thing for the MA! I’m a Master! I do the commencement and walking and stuff tomorrow night.

Well, I showed the Yahoo Map and the Flash movie to the 1989 group. They really liked it, but as is always the case, there are some very good suggestions for improvement. And since I have a vested interest in the project (my academic research interests are all about this topic), and since I’m pretty much the only one at work who can do this stuff, I will be continuing the project until it’s completion.

Some suggestions and modifications are:

  • Move the text out of the Flash and into the html. This makes it available to search engines and styling.
  • Have the timeline only be for 1989, and put tick marks, or some other designator for months on the bar.
  • Change the fading of countries. Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Yugoslavia should not fade out.
  • Change Soviet Union to Russia, and outline or shade the Yugoslavia and Soviet Union groups to show they are a group.
  • Take out the events for China.
  • For the yahoo Map: recenter the map on marker click, and take out the word wrapping.

So here’s the latest version of the Flash movie. 1989events

Making progress

I took out the audio from the intro because it just wasn’t working. Perhaps a voice recording about the fall of communism would be better.

I worked on the timeline a lot the past couple of days. It took many, many attempts to finally get the dot that represents an event to look nice. Fifteenth times a charm, they say! I also have the events coming in by year, month, and day. There’s probably an easy way to do that with actionscript, but I couldn’t think of it. So instead I have a layer for the years, divided into the three years (1987-1989). Then another layer for the months. Each of the three years gets it’s own set of months. Then a third layer for days (1-31, depending on how many days in the month). The days layer only has frames for November and March of 1989, when most of the events happened. So, on each section of frames I wrote a variable like theYear, theMonth, and theDay in the actionscript. This variable is then checked for in the main actionscript, and matched against the events day, month, year before it is allowed to be displayed.

It works pretty well, except for the 1989 events for December. The all show up at the same time. So, now I have to fix that, and add another 40+ coordinates to the xml file by deciding where it is located, finding the x, y coords, then typing it into the xml file.

Anyhow, here’s the latest and greatest Intro_Timeline

How does the yahoo/flash map work…

There’s a lot of tutorials out there, but here’s how I got it to work.

The Plan

Got what? Oh, well, basically it’s being able to use yahoo maps, flash, xml, php, mysql, and data to display a bunch of markers on a map. Each marker contains data pulled from the database, and has a link to a page that displays the full information. For now, I just made a display page. But sometime latter, it will be implemented into the fine Omeka install that the 1989 project will use.

The Steps

Here’s an outline of what I did.

  1. Create a flash file using the yahoo flash map api component. Available at Yahoo.
  2. Add some ActionScript to the first frame that will import data from an xml file.
  3. Create a php page that pulls in data from a MySQL database and displays as an xml file.

Create the swf

In order to make Yahoo and flash play nicely, you need to install the component linked above. Follow directions there. This will add a new component to your Flash program, available in your components window (Window->Components->Yahoo->

Once that’s installed, create a new empty fla. Make a keframe in the first frame on layer one. Drag the yahooMap component onto your stage.

Next, add another layer for your actionscript.

the ActionScript

Here’s the tricky part. Here’s the code I used, heavily commented:

[code lang=”Actionscript”]
* File:
* Author: Ammon Shepherd
* based off of many tutorials and code snippets, mostly from Yahoo! documentation.
//Set the URL where the xml file is.
var xmlURL = “”;

//Import Yahoo map tools

//Create a listener associated with the instance of the Yahoo map component.
// Set the map to pull down the yahoo map and get the setting/changes from
// the onMap function.
euroMap.addEventListener(, onMap);

//This will add a zoom tool and set it as closed by default
var zoomer:NavigatorWidget = new NavigatorWidget(“closed”);

//The onMap function adds the tools, settings, and markers to the map.
function onMap(eventData) {
//create a new PanTool and name it pantool
var pantool:PanTool = new PanTool();

//tell the instance of the map to use the new PanTool called pantool
euroMap.addTool(pantool, true);

//Add the Navigator widget

//Create a variable called xmlData of the type XML
var locations_xml:XML = new XML();

//igore white space
locations_xml.ignoreWhite = true;

//when the xml file is loaded, do the fuction within
locations_xml.onLoad = function(success){
//if the xml file loaded successfully run the function addMarkers
if (success) addMarkers(this);

//then actually load the xml file.

* Used this for testing, you don’t really need it. I was thinking of using
* this in the future to display the lat and long to the user.
//Get the center of the map and store them in the variable called points.
var points = euroMap.getCenter();
//trace(“before convert” + points);
//swap the points, so long->long and lat->lat


//This is the function that adds the markers to the map.
function addMarkers(xml:XML):Void {
//the addresses variable holds the path to the right xml element.
//firstChild is the and childNodes is an array of the tags
var addresses = xml.firstChild.childNodes;

for(var i=0; i then the second and so on for all of them.
address = addresses[i];

* MarkerData is the object that holds the info for each marker.
* index: is the text that shows up on the marker (usually just A or
* what have you. you could use the variable i to show an
* incremented number (each marker has it’s own number).
* title: sets the title of the marker and corresponds to the title
* parameter in the location tags in the xml file.
* description: is the larger text. It corresponds with the description
* parameter in the location tag in the xml field.
* markerColor: sets the color of the marker, duh 🙂 It’s the border
* color, and the color when not expanded.
* strokeColor: is the background.
var MarkerData:Object = {index: ‘\’89’,, description:address.attributes.description, markerColor:0xcc0000, strokeColor:0xceccc7};

* This actually adds the address to the map using the custom point of
* interest style of marker (you can use your own style if you like.
* the address.attributes.loc grabs the latitude and longitude from
* the loc=”” part of the location tag in the xml file. MarkerData
* is the stuff we just set above.
euroMap.addMarkerByAddress(CustomPOIMarker, address.attributes.loc, MarkerData);

(Special thanks to CodeSnippet for providing a way to show code. This was the 5th one I tried that finally worked.)


Next we need an xml file. I need to pull the data from a database, so I used a php script which pretends to be an xml file. The basics of that is to put this in the php file:
[code lang=”php”]
// Date in the past
header(“Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT”);
// always modified
header(“Last-Modified: ” . gmdate(“D, d M Y H:i:s”) . ” GMT”);
// HTTP/1.1
header(“Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate”);
header(“Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0”, false);
// HTTP/1.0
header(“Pragma: no-cache”);
//XML Header

Then, because our database doesn’t store the geocodes by default yet, nor do the items have any type of specific address or what not associated with them, I created an array with specific places and their lat, long. Each of the items in the database have tags associated with them. The array corresponds to tags that have countries names on them. This poses a problem if the tag name is changed, but for now it works OK.

[code lang=”php”]
$countries = array(
array(“Poland”, “52.1874047455997”, “19.072265625”),
array(“East Germany”, “52.517474393230245”, “13.41156005859375”),
array(“Czechoslovakia”, “49.210420445650286”, “17.490234375”),
array(“Hungary”, “47.45780853075031”, “19.05029296875”),
array(“romania”, “45.98169518512228”, “25.07080078125”),
array(“Yugoslavia”, “44.26093725039923”, “18.96240234375”),
array(“Bulgaria”, “42.601619944327965”, “25.24658203125”),
array(“Soviet Union”, “55.70235509327093”, “37.79296875”)

The problem I ran into next was that there were over 15 markers that would share the same lat an long. This makes it hard to click on a marker when it’s buried under 20 other markers. So at first I tried just adding a couple of digits to the lat and long as it looped through the array. This led to a long line of markers, and didn’t look very good. Random numbers to the rescue! To create a clustering affect I generated two random numbers, one for the lat and one for the long. This number was added giving the markers a clustered appearance. Here’s that part of the code:

[code lang=”php”]
echo “< ?xml version='1.0' ?>


for($g=0; $g‘;


echo ‘

You may notice my call to the description function (which, in turn, calls a function called truncate, but you wouldn’t know that yet). This simply turns all HTML characters into their HTML entity characters. HTML in an XML file will break the XML file… more specifically the < and " ' characters. The truncate function I grabbed from's comments for substr_replace. The truncate function shortens long text to a set number of words, and adds an ellipse at the end to signify more text. Here are those two functions:

[code lang=”php”]
function description($id,$text){
$description = wordwrap(htmlentities(truncate($text,200), ENT_QUOTES),30);

$fulltext = $description.”\n<a target=’_blank’ href=’$id’>Show item</a>”;

return $fulltext;

function truncate($text,$numb) {
// source:, please keep this if you are using the function
//$text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES);
if (strlen($text) > $numb) {
$text = substr($text, 0, $numb);
$text = substr($text,0,strrpos($text,” “));
$etc = ” …”;
$text = $text.$etc;
//$text = htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES);
return $text;

Here’s the whole php file.
That basically does it.

xml, and lots of time.

Back again. Only two weeks left of school.

I spent the past two days trying to work XML into the picture for the time line aspect. The thought was, if all of the data for the ‘flash point’ or points of the events of 1989 were kept in an xml file, the the flash could dynamically add them in at the right place and time.  I can bring in the xml data, but I can’t get it to display the correct information for each event. It always shows the last events data. I have a for loop to grab all of the data from the xml file, then it attaches the ‘flash point’ movie clip in the correct place. Then I assign an onRollOver and onRollOut to that movie clip (dynamically named). But the onRollOver just holds the data from the last element in the xml instead of each attached movie clip holding the data for it’s respective event.

This would be really cool to do, because then to add or remove events from the timeline, just edit the xml file.  The xml filed could even theoretically pull the data in from the database, making so that each person can have their own specific timeline.  That would be way cool. But it unfortunately seems a bit beyond me. The other obstacle is about the time aspect. How can I get the flash point to show up at the right time. I’d have to come up with a bunch of mathematical voodo on where the timeline bar is (the _x position on the stage) and the percentage left and compare that with the date of the event somehow. Aargh! Way too confusing for my feeble brain.

I’ll just have to do the easy hard code the events into the timeline. Anyhow, here’s what I have so far on the intro/timeline (which, I’m realizing, I’ll need to have a front page where you select which one you want to view, or have them separate instead of one after the other). Version (or something like that)