The Past in Color

This weeks installment of history found on the web includes links to a few sites with something special. Color photographs from the early days of color photography. Color somehow brings a photograph to more life, adds more detail, and helps get a better understanding of the time period. Sure you can see the style of clothes, for example, in a black and white, but did you know it was bright green!

Color images of Russia from 1910

The first site comes from the Boston Globe. These pictures are from Russia over 100 years ago! Absolutely amazing detail.

World War II films in color

Second we have a bunch of color moving pictures from World War II from a blog at Color and moving pictures just makes it all the more real.

Historic Test Films

The third site is an archive of films from nuclear testing by the U.S. Department of Energy. Crazy the amount of destruction those armaments produced.

Goddard and a rocket

Fourth is a link to NASA’s Flickr account. Here is Flickr working with a number of the U.S. Government departments to archive some of their images and provide a more publicly accessible way for these public images to be… accessible. Kind of neat.

The Past meets the Present

Finally, the best for last. This site is all in Russian, so not too sure what he’s saying, but Sergey Larenkov has some neat images. They show a juxtaposition of World War II photos with current photos of the same place. It’s a really neat way to see how the damage would look if it were to happen today.

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